Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Should You Offer A Guarantee To Your Hypnosis Clients? (part I)

Q: I am wondering about guarantees that hypnotists use.
I have head Mark mention that he personally gives three
of them the first of which is trance on the first session or
their money back. What are the other two?

A: I will let Mark answer as to exactly what his other two guarantees are. The essence of his second guarantee is that if they are not satisfied they have been successful in their initial package of sessions, they can continue to come to sessions until they are satisfied they got their outcome.

Importance Of Establishing What "Success" Means

Keep in mind that he has a very extensive interview session before he takes a new client on, and during that session he has them articulate clearly what the outcome they want is, and how will they KNOW when they get it. How they will know they have been successful.

This is important for two reasons, first it gives a measurable criteria to measure against. Second, and this is astounding, many people have no idea when they are successful. Or almost as bad, they only know they are successful when someone else tells them they are. This is a wonderful gift you can give the client, to teach them how to realize when they are successful, and how to know it from their own criteria.

Use Ethical Guarantees

Important! Be very careful about what you promise. You can't ethically guarantee other peoples behavior, since that is out of your control. You can't make them do anything. What you can do is help them to believe certain things that will allow them to get their desired result. Guarantee client satisfaction, not the outcome.

So for example, you could guarantee that at the end of the program, if the client is not totally happy, and doesn't believe that they can go on with their life with the reporting problem under control, then they have an unlimited claim on your time and services until such time as they do feel happy and in control.

Basically you are saying if they come in on a clinical basis, and do the work, you can guarantee they will be satisfied. Satisfied means they have reached their outcome as measured by criteria established in the intake session.

Guarantees Will Rarely Be Used

If you screen out those people who are not motivated to change, then you should rarely ever have anyone take advantage of this guarantee. Yet it is reassuring to them in their process of making the decision to purchase your program.

Marketing research has shown on average about 2% of the clients/customers will take advantage of a guarantee from businesses that provide good quality service and products.

The reality is, as a good hypnotist your clients will be way more than just satisfied. They will be ecstatic about just how much their life has improved since that first session.

In Part II, I will cover the principle of 'risk reversal' and how to use it to make your prospects feel more comfortable in their decision to purchase your hypnosis services.

Till next time, all the success possible to you!

Craig Eubanks
San Francisco Sleepwalkers
Hypnosis & NLP Practice Group

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