Thursday, January 20, 2005

Can I Use Direct Mail To Get More Clients?

Hypnosis Marketing Tip Of The Week
By Craig Eubanks

Q: I know that it's not all that expensive, but I don't know what the
average return from something like that is. I do know that my
return on newspaper advertising has been a little disappointing.

Say there are 10000 households within 20 miles of the office. There
are no other hypnotists or hypnotherapists around. Would a direct
mail piece be a good investment?

A: Direct mail works very well when done correctly. It has been one of the most consistent tools in marketing for over 60 years.

That said, if you do not take the time to properly do your research on your market, AND craft your message properly, you will waste your money.

This is true for any media used, be it advertising, Yellow Pages, or a web site.

One of the most common mistakes new businesses make, is starting with choice of media as the way to get their marketing started, instead of figuring out just who their market is, and what would be the best message for that market to really learn what it is you have to offer.

This is especially important for hypnosis. Most people have no idea what hypnosis is really all about and how it can benefit them.

If you were a dentist you could get away with sending out a postcard to every household and business within a 5 mile radius announcing your office with an new patient special offer to get them to respond.

If a hypnotist did the same thing they would likely get little or no response since people do not translate "hypnotist" into an outcome they'll get that helps them or makes their life better. Instead they think of clucking like a chicken or Manchurian Candidate mind control.

So you would need to offer the outcome to them as a way to get their attention, then explain how they would get that outcome through the process of hypnosis with you.


Stop Smoking In Less Than 2 Weeks.
No drugs, No Patches, and No Cravings. Guaranteed!
Call now for your free 30 minute consultation 111-2233.

Then explain how they would get that result through a series of visits with you. Make sure you include at least one testimonial.

Notice there is a call to action that gets a response you can measure (call for free consultation). Also notice that this is for them a no risk step, you are telling them they can spend time with you, getting more information, at no cost. This is important. I will talk about Risk Reversal in a future tips article.

Note: This assumes your market is smokers and you know that your postcard will in fact reach smokers. You can have the best crafted message in the world, send it out using a top notch direct mail service, and have it go to the completely wrong audience.

Some Key Things To Know About Direct Mail

Where To Get Inexpensive Lists

To all your success!

Craig Eubanks
Marketing & Publicity for Hypnotherapists --

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